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Session Chair Instructions


This year’s conference will mostly involve physical participation but the significant expected level of remote participation poses some extra challenges. Relevant information for session chairs is provided below.

Please note that session chairs should check the videos or posters in the session before March 21.

All the chairs should know their EDAS login and password to be able to enter in case a speaker does not attend, and we should show the pre-recorded video.


During your session, if the speaker is indeed not present, the session chairs can directly play the video which was uploaded to EDAS using the following link of the web program:





Instructions for session chairs


Instructions for remote presentations (session chairs)

EUCAP 2022 Log in

Important Deadline

March 22, 2022

Deadline for local Poster Printing Service. See instructions for authors here


March 21, 2022

Deadline for session chairs to check the videos or posters in their sessionSee instructions for session chairs here

Deadline to notify remote participation. See instructions for remote presentation here


March 14, 2022

Deadline for authors to upload an appropriate presentation (video or poster) to EDAS. See instructions here.  


February 6, 2022

Deadline for Author registration and Early Bird registration

Register here


January 22, 2022 February 6, 2022

Deadline for final version of accepted papers extended to February 6, 2022

December 17, 2021

Notification of paper acceptance/rejection

October 15, 2021

Paper submission deadline



EuCAP2022 APP:

EuCAP2022' smartphone app provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation in the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly. The app is available for Android and iOS devices. To download mobile app, please visit, scan the QR code available in EuCAP web page or type 'eucap2022' in Google Play or iTunes App Store.

Works in the subway during EuCAP2022!

There are some works in Madrid metro line number 8 between stations Colombia and Mar de Cristal (bound to Madrid downtown). We recommend to use Metro line 8 from the airport, and combination of Metro lines 4 and 8 from Madrid downtown. 

Information available at:

Author registration and Early Bird registration deadline: February 6th 2022!

Registration is now open: January 13th 2022!

Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: December 17th 2021!

Paper submission deadline: October 15th 2021!

Call for papers sent: July 5th 2021!

Call for convened sessions: deadline June 20th, 2021!

July 2021: EuCAP2022 web page available!

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Supporting Institutions
European Microwave Association
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