Technical Programme
E-book (Final programme, pdf)Final programme (html)
Proceedings:The full conference proceedings are now ready for download at for all registered participant using the login created when registering for EuCAP 2022.
EuCAP Hybrid Components:If you are attending EuCAP on-line, you can access all the information related to EuCAP Hybrid Components here.
EuCAP2022 smartphone APP provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation in the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2022. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly. The app is available for Android and iOS devices. Please visit or scan the QR code or type 'eucap2022' in Google Play or iTunes App Store, to download the mobile phone APP.
PROGRAME OVERVIEW, Ver. 24/03/2022 |
The conference combines the following formats:
- Plenary sessions with keynote speakers
- Sessions with invited speakers
- Convened sessions with oral presentations
- Convened sessions with presentations
- Regular sessions with oral presentations
- Regular sessions with poster presentations
- Scientific Workshops
- Industrial Workshops
- Short Courses
- Exhibition